

def hello_world(s1,s2="World!"):
    # out = s1 + " " + s2 # str.__add__() or +
    # out = " ".join([s1,s2])  # str.join()
    # out = "%s %s"%(s1,s2)  # % formatting
    # out = "{0} {1}".format(s1,s2)  # str.format()
    out = f"{s1} {s2}"   # f-strings
    return out



hello_world <- function(s1,s2="World!"){
    # output <- paste(s1,s2, sep=" ")  # paste (separator for multiple values), kinde of "concat"
    output <- paste(c(s1,s2), collapse=" ") # paste (collapse for atomic vector), kind of "join"


var string2 = String("World!")
function hello_world(s1,s2=string2){
    // out = s1 + " " + s2   // str.concat()
    out = [s1,s2].join(" ")  // str.join()


PROGRAM hello_world
    IMPLICIT none
    CHARACTER(10) :: s1="Hello"
    CHARACTER(10) :: s2="World!"
    CHARACTER(20) :: hello_world

    PRINT *,hello_world(s1,s2)

CHARACTER(20) FUNCTION hello_world(s1,s2)
    IMPLICIT none
    CHARACTER(10) :: s1,s2
    ! This is a line comentary inside the function
    hello_world = TRIM(s1) // " " // TRIM(s2)

My Projects:

  • ML_POCs: My Proof Of Concepts for ML and DL algorithms.
  • ML_Christmas: A Christmas Tree related to my Kaggle account, proofs with Tensorboard and so on..
  • ML_Library: My collected library for Machine Learning, builded from open sources found on Internet. It includes books/notebooks/etc. I have read and appreciated a lot these books. This repository does not include my own work
  • my_Cheatsheets: Useful and personal collection of cheat-sheets for a wide range of topics.
  • Demanding APIs in Jupyter Notebooks: I’m working on solutions demanding APIs for multiple purposes. Some which I work on are:
  • LorDB(1!): LorDB is a personal project that intends to be a database sharing service and website. Collaboration is welcomed, currently trying to find front-end developers for the project.
  • Chess-Analyzer(1!): This is a personal attempt to build an automatic chess analysis with clear parameters and automatic trascript of games. AI will be developed alongside the project. Collaboration is welcomed, specially for people related to chess programming.


(1!): better included in the Projects section, but can be also categorized on Programming.

  • I use for my personal guidance at most of topics. I strongly recommend using it online, or build a local server (accesible through if you want to use any other source documentation offline. You can define a set of enabled-documentation via importing/exporting a simple JSON file.
last_updated: 2021-01-28
(I!) This a personal webpage with some information of interest in the topic selected. Some of these webpages are not intended to be guides, but to provide useful tips for those interested in a topic and to tell my personal walkthrough.
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